Get to Know Us

Team Rector and Parish Priest of St Martin's
Peter was born in London and educated in Liverpool, Normandy and Swansea. He was ordained at Brecon Cathedral and served curacies in both East and West Swansea. He has been a parish priest in Hertfordshire and West London, but has now returned to the city where he was first a parish priest - St Nicholas Warndon. Peter has worked in ecumenism and interfaith relations and was previously Area Dean of Richmond and Barnes.
He is married with two daughters and a growing number of grandchildren. He can frequently be seen out with binoculars as he is also a keen birdwatcher.

Parish Priest of St Mark in the Cherry Orchard
and St Philip & St James, Whittington

Vicar of Holy Trinity & St Matthew's Church, Ronkswood
Rob was born and bred in Walsall in the West Midlands. He was a Sales Manager for an Electrical Engineering company before his ordination in 2006. He served his curacy at St Chad’s Church in Lichfield before becoming Vicar of St James the Great in Longdon, Staffordshire, then St Mark’s Church in Shelfield, Walsall. On moving to Worcester, Rob became Rector of St Martin’s Church before taking up his current post in Ronkswood. Rob is married to Julie and they have two daughters, Laura and Katie, and a mad cockapoo called Freddie.

Curate within the Team, attached to St Martin's
Mike comes from Liverpool, leaving in 1963 for University to read Chemistry. On graduating, Mike moved to London to work for Metal Box as a research chemist. He had a long career with them, ranging from Research to Training and Development to International HR Management.
After retiring in 2009, he explored Reader ministry, started training in 2011, and was licensed in 2013. Then in 2022, with the launch of the Auxiliary Pathway, Mike began a programme of discernment and training which led to his ordination as Deacon in September 2023 and Priest in June 2024.
Mike is married to Anne, an ex-nurse, whom he met in Oxford. They came to Worcester in 1994 on one of Mike’s company moves.
Mike and Anne have a daughter Claire and two granddaughters, Ellie and Mel.
An ex-amateur thespian, Mike loves to sing and is a self-confessed G&S nut.

Curate within the Team, attached to St Martin's
Richard joined St Martin's as Curate in 2023 after training at the Queen's Foundation in Birmingham. He has lived for many years in Worcester, even having a spell as a chorister at St Martin's in the 1980's, but spent much of his childhood in the North. He is a former headteacher and business owner, having worked in the UK and Middle East educating children and adults in subjects ranging from Geography, RE and the Humanities to Business and ICT. With a first degree in Archaeology, Richard has a keen interest in all things ancient, and pursues other interests including mountain walking, free diving, fishing and boat building.
Richard has been married to Poov, a teacher, since 1997 and they have three children Asher (married to Elena and a charity worker in South Africa), Judah (a graduate medical student in Nottingham) and India (who is still at school). The family is completed by Juno the dog.

Director of Music, St Martin's
John received his musical training in Yorkshire, where he was Organ Scholar at Sheffield Cathedral whilst he read Music there. During this time he took organ lessons with Neil Taylor and Dr Simon Lindley. John did a PGCE at Cambridge University and held music-teaching posts in Gloucestershire, Malvern, and Shropshire. Currently, he is based at King Edward VI Five Ways School, Birmingham. From 2006–2019, he was Organist and later Director of Music at St Michaels Tenbury, where he re-founded an adult SATB church choir and co-directed the St Michael’s Singers. He also coordinated the Music Programme involving concerts, educational activities, and visiting choirs for the liturgy. John is also a trumpeter and has directed various ensembles, both choral and instrumental. He is an Associate of the Royal College of Organists.

Parish and Team Administrator
Originally from Yorkshire, Rebecca joined the team in 2016 as our Parish Administrator for the Worcester South East Team of Churches following a move to Worcester, from Scotland, with her husband Andrew and two sons. Having a background in HR & Training & Development within manufacturing and housebuilding, she now juggles motherhood with her part-time role at St Martin’s and enjoys singing with a local chamber choir.

Children and Families Worker
Debra was born in Bridgend, South Wales She has always had a 'heart to help young people' and has spent three-quarters of her working life working with children and young people in various roles throughout the public and private sectors. Debra started her professional career in ministry with 'children, youth and families' over 20 years ago. She was involved in planting a new worshipping community in an Urban Priority Area (UPA), becoming the children, youth and families pastor, developing great working relationships with the schools, police and social services. Where there were no children, many came, and many groups were set up to facilitate the need. Debra has a heart to empower young people, to grow holistically.
Church Warden, St Martin's
The Revd Peter Hart (Rector; PCC Chair, ex officio)
The Revd Mike Bunclark (Curate, ex officio)
Sarah Burgess
Angela Dale (Churchwarden)
Marian Field
Anthony Glossop (Chair, Finance & Management committee; Deanery Synod Rep, ex officio)
Nick Harrison (PCC Secretary)
Barbara Richards (Deputy Church Warden, ex officio)
David Scott
Shirley Scott (Chair, Concerts committee; Deanery Synod Rep, ex officio)
Bill Simpson (Hon. Deputy Treasurer, co-opted)
Cairen Stedman (Hon. Treasurer)
Paul Stedman (Safeguarding Officer, Planned Giving Recorder)
Robin Walker (Associate Organist)
The Revd Richard Wood (Curate, ex officio)